Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Articles From Heaven

Articles From HeavenSaturday, October 20, 2007
Darkness Can Not Exist in Light
We all know at least once person that is covered in darkness. Not actually physically, but have you ever known someone who just lacked the capacity to be happy for others? If you got a promotion, they would remind you how much more work it will be. If you bought a new home they would just say you have no idea what you're getting yourself into.And down the road when you say you're tired from working so much or you aren't sure how you're going to scrape together the money to pay for a home repair - these same people whip out a great big "I TOLD YOU SO" and it's a little demoralizing to hear. And they actually seem stronger for having said it to you.Do you know why? That is spreading darkness and it when you allow your own personal light to be extinguished by someone else's darkness, it actually gives them power. The key is to pull deep within yourself and ask that you be given strength. The Divine will listen and no, a miracle sack of cash won't drop onto your front porch from the sky - but ask for strength and the ways to handle your problems will be shown to you. You may happen upon a television show about time management, your boss may suddenly feel your workload is too much and give you an assistant or disburse your duties to other employees; help with your home repair may come in the form of a relative offering to help with a loan or maybe a contractor that is willing to give you a form of credit for the repairs - the key is to have your eyes open after you ask and then remember to stay strong and never let anyone extinguish your inner light through deeds or words again.
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
If You Feel Empty Inside..There is a Cure
The holiday season is fast upon us and it makes a number of people feel just awful.I want to remind you of a great quote from St. Alphone Liguori, "The more we empty ourselves to make room for God's love, the more he fills us with himself and the more united to him will we be".And this is so true. When you have that empty feeling of loneliness come over you, simply ask to have your heart filled with love. You'll be amazed how quickly it will happen. You may feel warmth wash over your body and that is God's embrace.The emptiness you feel is because you aren't walking with the Divine. It's just a matter of asking. It's God's plan that he will always be there for you , but you must go to him and ask to walk the path and you will be welcomed with open arms, no matter what sins your past holds - remember - above all that the Divine loves you and understands even more than you do your own failings as a person and your true capacity to be a good person.If you're ready to have a great feeling from within this upcoming holiday season, just ask!
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Saturday, September 29, 2007
Finding Joy Through Patience
There are many times in our lives when we end up getting overwhelmed with everything going on around us. With busy schedules, demanding jobs, ongoing bills and so on, it is a wonder that we can even muster the slightest smile. After all of the things that can come about, one thing that you need to remember is that patience truly is a virtue.When you have children or other people in your life that you need to care for, it can end up being quite difficult to remember that everyone is only human. Being human means that you can only do so much, and that everyone makes mistakes from time to time. Remain patient and let the others in your life know that you are there for them to guide them and lend a helping hand wherever you can. This little bit of patience can really go a long way, especially when it comes to children.Although you may feel like you have had enough and you are just about ready to give up and snap, patience can guide you through even the toughest of obstacles. Once you are able to remain patient, you will see that the calm that you will feel can help you to process your feelings better. These thoughts and feelings can then trickle down to others around you, making whatever comes your way dissolve before you know it. While patience isn't always something that comes easy, a quick second to remember how much it can help can make a world of difference in your whole day.
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Stand By Your Beliefs
If you end up finding yourself in a situation where there is an overwhelming presence around you where people do not share the same beliefs, it is very important that you stand true and stick to what you believe in. All too often, folks will begin to feel as though their feelings and beliefs are the minority, so they end up keeping their thoughts bottled up inside. Because you are stronger that that on the inside as well as the outside, you should never be afraid to let your ideals and personality shine through no matter what the majority thinks.One thing remains true, and that is that you can always gather strength from within. No matter what negative comments or forces come your way, you always have your true thoughts and identity on the inside that you can hold onto. Even the person who tries their hardest to knock you down will never be able to succeed as long as you have that inner strength through your faith and beliefs.When you stand your ground and stick to your beliefs, you are then able to shed some light on them to others around you who may be in need of guidance. While preaching and persuasion is never a savory thought, you can simply be there to lend a few words about the strength that you have if they are looking for you to share. One thing will always remain true, and that is as long as you have the faith and inner strength to keep you grounded, you will then be able to share in love, joy and life with everyone around you.
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Friday, September 21, 2007
Prayer Can Heal From The Inside Out
Long, long ago, people learned that there was something special and rewarding to come out of prayer. No matter what kind of forces surround you or what kind of path you take, it remains true that the power of prayer is truly indescribable. All you have to do is speak with someone who was touched with the answering of prayers and you too will see that there is something special behind such a time honored practice.Whether you come from a strong religious background or you are just now finding your path in life through a higher power, prayer can be an amazing way to build you up from the inside out. Some people will say that they turn to prayer on a daily basis in order to give them that little extra push that they are looking for to help them not only to meet, but to exceed their goals. By having even the shortest time to think or pray about something that is on your mind, you can receive the benefits ten fold.If you happen to find yourself in the terrible situation where you have been stricken with grief or some sort of strife, prayer can be a wonderful way to heal. From self-spoken pep talks when you are alone to prayer groups where you feed off of the strength of others around you, the power of prayer is truly a force to be reckoned with. The next time you feel as though you have nowhere else to turn, perhaps some form of prayer will be helpful in your healing process.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Holding Onto Faith During Trials And Tribulation
No matter what life ends up throwing your way, you should try your best to remain true to yourself as well as your faith in a higher power. As human beings, we all have a series of hurdles to jump and paths to cross. It is only natural that you will feel overwhelmed once in a while no matter how strong you are on the inside. For many people, finding their place in life with their faith behind them holding strong is the best way to get through anything that they may encounter.Often times, you are put into situations where you simply cannot believe you can take any more emotional struggle or pain. Perhaps you have a close friend or a family member who has been diagnosed with some sort of illness or they are going through a tragedy in their own life. These, as well as many others, are situations where you will find that your faith and inner strength will come through for you, giving you a way to carry on and remain solid for everyone else around you.Although you will end up confused and overwhelmed when faced with tough situations, it is nice to have a great foundation of faith and strength that you can turn to. Many people before you will be quick to tell you that life can go by quickly, however only a select few can share with you that they really learned a lesson about inner strength and the value of faith along with all that it can do for you when it counts the most.
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Friday, September 14, 2007
Words are Endowed with Power
Words can be extremely powerful, and how we use them in our lives is a very critical matter. We have the power to build or destroy lives and relationships at every level by our choice of words. While thoughts are always the derivative of words and actions: it's our words that can become the most obvious indicator of what we are thinking.Everyone, no matter what his or her station in life, needs approval and encouragement. We often see stark and moody pictures in our minds of those in charge withholding praise from an employee or associate for a job well done. Or, another picture that comes to mind is a child hoping without success, that a parent, teacher, or friend, will acknowledge their achievements. While praise and words of encouragement should never be the main focus in a physical world, a word given in a positive manner at the right time can work miracles in someone's life.The opposite can occur as well! The right word given, if the intent is to harm, at the right moment can do a great deal of damage to a person's confidence and faith. On the receiving end, a person has to move forward and ignore the power of negative words. If you're the kind of person that is self-confident, and aware of where you fit in the world, the negative energy won't find lodgment within your mind or soul. Most importantly, a kind word used in response of a negative one, will put the power right back in your hands-where it needs to be.
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Thursday, September 13, 2007
Success Leaves Clues
Life is not as complicated as we often think! Success leaves clues that are easy to follow. The term and meaning of success, will be as varied as there are people on the planet. However, if we look at success as the act of attaining or achieving a goal or dream, then the clues can easily be discovered.First, nothing happens just by chance. A person may in fact be at the right place and time for an event to occur; but it's no mystery that opportunity meets up with those who are best prepared! It's always good to note that opportunity is always looking to express itself through someone's talent or abilities. If you examine someone's life that appears to be successful, more often than not, the preparation phase has been on going throughout his or her entire lives.It all starts with the preparation phase. Yes, there are going to be many that seem to be connected in the right ways from birth. There are also going to be many people less fortunate that any one of us. For the young or old, rich or poor, or the culturally aggressive or culturally oppressed, the need to find one's self prepared is always going to be the biggest and most important challenge.This preparation will take the form of knowledge, skills, commitment, opportunity, and being socially connected to the people, places, and circumstances that allow us to move forward. Preparation is the key, and this will be the most important clue in the lives of the successful.
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Saturday, September 08, 2007
The Gift of Struggle
Struggles are often the least thing that any of us want to experience. However, it is our struggles that set us free to achieve the greater things in life. Struggles are the experiences and challenges that set the stage for accumulating knowledge-and knowledge as we all know is power.Too many years ago to remember the exact date, I remember standing in a beautiful woodland area in Ohio, and watching the caterpillars emerge after a long hibernation from their cocoons. I was fascinated with nature, and the endless variety of birds and insects that filled the woods on any given day. That day was a special day, as I decided that I would help the slow process of nature along, and help free the caterpillar form its prison.I didn't know that the unfair struggle through the tiny opening of the cocoon was an act that would force the fluids through its body-and out into its wings. The struggle of the tiny butterfly is an indication of what many of us will go through in life. If we can we just hold on and endure what seems life unfair pain, there is always a magnificent reward that will follow, and we'll soar the heavens rather than grovel on the ground.
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Thursday, September 06, 2007
It's a Good Thing that Habits are Hard to Break
We often think of habits as being a negative thing, but the truth is that anything we practice often enough-will become a habit. This of course means that the habit can be a good one, or a bad one. The root source of every action is thought! What we choose to think on a habitual basis, is what we will manifest in our lives. This is why there really are no mysteries when we peer into our own lives, or the lives of others. What you see is usually the result of a lifetime of habits that are hard to break.The thought patterns can be seen in how people live, how they interact with others, and what they've accomplished in life. Taking the creative gift of God , thought, and applying it with care and diligence, is a continual step in achieving what God desires for us in life. If our thoughts and desires are clean and wholesome, then we can bet that they are God's desire for us as well. On the other hand, the thoughts we think and the habits we form, are not always in God's best interest for us.It's often been said that success leaves clues, whether the success is spiritual or pertaining to some worthy endeavor in life. And, you can count on the fact that the clues will always lead back to individuals that have good habits that are hard to break. Like anything else worthwhile in life, it takes practice.
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Testimonials"Unreal" " Unbelievable" - "I've never met anyone like her. She certainly is Unique. "I came from India all the way to Glens Falls, NY.

I was blind now I can see! Not 100% but I can See! We didn't want to leave Leah, my wife and I cried. After three days in the most loving atmosphere and in the presence of "Heavenly Holy Powers", I can't explain the feeling. I don't think anyone alive can. " My wife and I will be back to see you Leah!" -- F.D., India

"I've been healed! I can breath again! They gave me no hope for very bad heart problems, now I feel healed. I've never met anyone like her. - Dr. M. M. , PA

"What does the Church think about this or the Pope? It was like Divine Love, when you come into her home. No matter how dark things are, it's always bright inside at Leah's. Penetrating beautiful heat, hot heat! A new beginning of a new life, no more pain, no fear. I now can walk, drive, think, my mind is clear. I was dying, Leah came to my call." -- L.L., NYC, NY

"It seems like she's from Heaven, it's unbelievable. I didn't believe it until I felt it. It's for real!" - C.P., VT.

"When I'm sick I know where to go. Leah's, she's there, she cures, I can breath again!" "I love you, Leah." - L. M. , VT.

"I see a bright light, I can see and feel it, it's beautiful. It is upon me, I can feel Mary. You can see Mary through Leah. It's unreal!" - A. W. , Ontario, CA.

"Oh my God, I see and feel a light! Your hair is vibrating and an iridescent, beautiful rainbow comes from your head, with a white light there. There's a bright light in the corner." - M.L., OH

"Hands disappeared as if she didn't have hands! Such Holiness! It's as if I'm floating. Mary is actually there!" - S. O. , MI

"I don't believe it, the pressure is gone at last. A Miracle, the doctors said nothing was wrong, Leah your Heavenly. How did you see inside my ear? You told me to see a another Doctor, I did , and there was something blocking my ear! Leah thank you for my hearing, the beauty that surrounds you, I don't want to leave. Does the Pope know about your Miracle?" - S.L., NY, NY

"Chronic pain in my whole body, I was scared, it hurt so. So much pain, this is the first time I've been out of pain in twenty years. I can't believe this, I don't know what to do, with out pain, your unreal! What heat! What heat!" - D.N., LI

Letter to Leah:
Leah: I came here tonight not knowing what to expect. I am truly amazed at the absolute feeling of beauty and love I experienced. I have no idea how you could feel so many personal things about me in one evening. For a time we were one, our souls intertwined as one. Do all clients feel this way? Your heavenly Holy powers are beyond words. I have never felt so calm and at peace as I did when I entered the white light, walking into your home. The beauty I felt as I came down the stairs was unbelievable.
Leah you are truly a remarkable woman, I have never experienced anything like this in my life. It's a "Miracle!" - M. V., UT

These are what others say over and over:
"I don't want to leave you, I want to stay!"
"The pain is all gone, the Doctors are amazed!"
"If people only knew what she can do, this is real! She is no phony!""Does your Bishop know what you're able to do?""Leah is the most loving and unusual person we have ever seen. The "Blood Of Jesus" comes from out of no where on to Leah's hand. The embodiment of "Our Lady" is always on her fingers after a healing. I witnessed the healing of my wrist. Before this miracle, I could not move it without severe pain. I also suffered with diabetes it went from over 200 to normal. Doctors find what she does is unreal, Miracles.

Miracles by Leah

Miracles are happening every day. God is alive and working miracles through the power of prayer. If you are looking for a miracle,. I invite you to contact me, I'm Leah, known as the heavenly healer, The Lord has performed many miracles and has healed many people using me as a vessel for His miracles. Please visit my Testimonials page by clicking here. I welcome your calls and your comments. Please e-mail me or call me at 1-812-339-2119.